Here is a good place to start when you're looking for literary criticism:
If you don't find what you're looking for, then search here -- -- like this: "pit and the pendulum" literary criticism (or whatever title you're researching; be sure to put the title in quotation marks in a search, so those words stay together and aren't searched for separately)
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I left out the following sentences. Thank you. Where can I look for criticism on Poe's "The Pit and the Pendulum"?
1) While he is thinking of his near death, he hears a sound of trumpets and the walls rush back. General Lasalle has entered Toledo with his army and stopped the Inquisition.
2) The Inquisition is now in the hands of its enemies.
As a matter of fact, Napoleon and not General Lasalle entered Toledo, Spain, and temporarily freed it from the Inquisition. General Lasalle was not involved in this battle.
1 answer