1. delete "and more"
2. ... skills which they will need to analyse ...
In the 2nd one, I'd keep "Internet" in there, but you may want to add other media, too -- such as books, scholarly journals, large databases to which university and public libraries subscribe:
Here is an example -- one college's library website (but public libraries usually have many of these, too): (Broken Link Removed)
Click on Electronic Resources/Databases to see the different databases this particular college provides for its students. EBSCOhost, ProQuest, and Facts.com are among the largest and best.
I left out the following sentences. Thank you.
1) prepare them to become successful individuals thus increasing their job opportunities in a more and more globalized world
2) increase students’ reading skills which they will require to analyse and interpret data derived from different types of sources including the Internet (??? I need to be more specific: which sources will they have to interpret when carrying out the project?)
1 answer