I left out the following sentences. I did some corrections myself. I hope you can help me. Thank you very much.

1)All revenge tragedies derive from the Greeks, then came Seneca who set the rules for all revenge tragedies written in the Elizabethan Age.
2) In revenge tragedies a violent or sexual crime is committed against a family member of the hero.
3) A ghost appears to the hero to help him to carry out his task. Correction: A ghost appears to the hero and urges him to avenge his murder (or the murder).
4) The hero, during the development, has a very close relationship with his audience and this may turns into madness.
5) The hero establishes a close relationship with his audience. However, he isolates more and more from the outside world and his isolation may turn into madness.
6)Do you think Hamlet's is a faked madness?
7) Another important characteristic is that there are a lot of bloody scenes and many deaths occur throughtout the (all) the play.

1 answer

1) All revenge tragedies derive from Greek drama. Then came Seneca in first century Rome, who set the rules for all revenge tragedies, including those written in the Elizabethan Age.

2) In revenge tragedies, a violent or sexual crime is committed against a family member of the hero.

3) A ghost appears and urges the hero to avenge the ghost's murder.

4) #5 is far better.

5) The hero establishes a close relationship with his audience. However, as he isolates himself more and more from the outside world, he may sink into madness.

6) Do you think Hamlet has faked his madness?

7) Another important characteristic of a revenge tragedy is that there are several bloody scenes and many deaths throughout the play.