1. OK
2. She fell down...
3. (either one works)
4. Because she suffers...
5. OK
I left out the following sentences.
By the way, thank you very much for helping me with the use of containers.
1)I’m staying over at Sheila’s tonight.
The factory has shut down, and 2,000 people have lost their jobs.
2) My father is taking these tablets to keep the blood pressure down.
She fell over (she fell to the ground) and hurt her knee quite badly.
3) I’m trying to cut down on chocolate and fried food. I’ve cut out chocolate. 0R I’ve cut chocolate out of my diet. (?)
4) As she suffers from haemorrhoid (or piles?), she’ll have to follow a strict diet.
5) My mum keeps me on a strict diet because she doesn’t want me to put on weight.
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