I left out a few more questions. Thank you very much in advance.

1) How is Mrs Dalloway described at the beginning of the novel?
What is Mrs Dalloway fond of?
2) Who is Septimus Warren Smith?
Describe Septimus and his wife Lucretia's reactions to the bursting of the car's tyre/tire.
3) What metaphors does Keats use to address the urn?
4) What kind of world is introduced through the poet's questions?
Can you paraphrase the last stanza of Keats' Ode which ends with his concept of art and imagination?
In what way are Septimus and Clarissa similar? What similarities do they share?

1 answer

I'd change these:

"Describe Septimus and his wife Lucretia's reactions to the bursting of the car's tyre/tire."
TO THIS: Describe the reactions of Septimus and his wife Lucretia ...

"Can you paraphrase the last stanza of Keats' Ode which ends with his concept of art and imagination?"
TO THIS: Paraphrase the last stanza ...
["Can you ... ?" is a yes/no question. Can you do this? Yes, I can. ... But I'm sure you don't want a yes or no answer, right?]

"In what way are Septimus and Clarissa similar? What similarities do they share?"
TO THIS: In what ways are Septimus and Clarissa similar?
[Both of your questions are asking for the same answers!!]