I know that this is an off topic question, but I need you to respond to this....

I received barely an A in my chemistry class, and my teacher gave me a 2/25 on an assignment...
Although I got that grade, I still have an A..
I asked my teacher why and she said that it is not necessary because I still have an A....

In your opinion, was it useless for me to ask?
What would you do?

1 answer

No, I don't think is was useless to ask. And yes, I would have asked, also. And if I received a 2/25 on anything I would want to know what I did wrong. The teacher must be counting the assignment as a small fraction of the grade for you to still have an A. What to do? Your teacher seems to be saying that as long as you have an A in the class that why you made only 2/25 is not important. Frankly, I disagree with that. I think the grade is less important than knowing what you did right/wrong. However, I don't know how far to push it.