I know that no one is here to do my homework but I am in quite a pickle today. I really need someone to give me a intro that I can start off on. Or even a sentance. I am really confused right now. a sentance is all i ask.

Here is a sentence:

Shakespeare used time to bring resolution to the situations his characters found themselves in by chance .....

Does it work with me essay? Is this suppose to be the first line of my essay?

what is chance... suppose to mean...I don't understand how chance fits in.

Even though I haven't read the play I was able to find some research from the Google search.

The quote comes from ActV scene I in T.N.
Here's the complete quote(The clown is speaking.):
Why, 'some are born great, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrown upon them.' I was
one, sir, in this interlude; one Sir Topas, sir; but
that's all one. 'By the Lord, fool, I am not mad.'
But do you remember? 'Madam, why laugh you at such
a barren rascal? an you smile not, he's gagged:'
and thus the whirligig of time brings in his revenges."
The clown is speaking.

It definitely helps to know that a whirligig is a child's top, a toy that spins around. I've read enough of Shakespeare to know there can be two, three or more things being symbolized in his plays. The whirligig could refer to the earth, or it might even refer to the 'circle' of friends one keeps.
There should be no shortage of annotated sources that comment on this line, and the play. Start in your school's library, I'm sure you'll find something there to help you get started.

Thank-you. One question. How would I use the analogy of the child's top into my essay?

I'm not really sure, I've been reading the summary of the play, and the quote in particular, and it isn't clear to me yet how that line relates to the events. Apparently someone tried to play a prank that failed, but it's not clear to me who or what.
This will probably be all the help I can give until I've read the play compltely. I know by experience that Shakespeare is slow going and has to be read carefully.

Are you still here. I have to ask you a common sense question.

I'll be here for just a bit longer. Don't limit your responses just to me, there are a number of people here with good sense who can answer your questions.

ok. My qusetion is what is the thesis in this. And is there a thesis.

Shakespeare used time to bring resolution to the situations his characters found themselves in the play, Twelfth Night. The quote, “And thus the whirligig of time brings his revenges,” means, what happened in the past will come back to get you (what goes around comes around), so it brings back his revenges. People that have done wrong in the past will be punished for it. A whirligig is something that goes around such as a merry-go-round. Time does the same.