i know that media convergence is taking things and making putting it together as one service. like bundling cable internet and phone. but i do not get how this has impacted our culture!
2 answers
How many choices does a specific consumer have?
Comcast offers "triple play" - phone, internet, and TV for $99 per month for 12 months. They advertise, "Thousands of On Demand choices plus tons of popular channels on TV and online." So who really watches all those "tons of popular channels"?
And that's only one company.
Then there's the cell phone/landline thing going on. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/05/12/tech/main6476743.shtml
Keep digging and you'll find more.
And that's only one company.
Then there's the cell phone/landline thing going on. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/05/12/tech/main6476743.shtml
Keep digging and you'll find more.