I know that in a sentence of three or more words or phrases we need commas, but are the sujects supposed to be capitalized if not why or why not. Sample sentence below:

As I have a Web design and interactive media associate degree, I do have experience in basic Web design screen and graphic design, basic Web scripting, as well as Web systems management and structure.

1 answer

Where did those rules come from? Who made them up??!!

She ate salad.
That's a 3-word sentence that needs no commas.

She ate salad and soup for lunch.
That's a 7-word sentence that needs no commas.

Common nouns and pronouns are not capitalized; proper nouns are capitalized.



Here are the rules for commas and capitalization in English:
Commas = http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/commas.htm

Capitalization = http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/capitals.htm