I know it's late but I could really use some help :/
1. Which of the following were basic principles of the Know-Nothing Party?
A. anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic**
B. less federal government regulation, no abolition
C. support women's rights, prison reform
D. Spread the Second Great Awakening, encourage urbanization
2. Although cotton was the South's most profitable cash crop, it was not grown everywhere. Why did some farmers harvest rice or tobacco instead of cotton?
A. There weren't enough slaves for every farmed to plant cotton.
B. Not all land was suitable for the growth of cotton.**
C. Not everyone knew how to cultivate cotton.
D. Rich plantation owners limited who could grow cotton.
3. Why were women fighting for suffrage?
A. Because they wanted to end abuse toward women.
B. Because they wanted to win the right to vote.**
C. Because they wanted to gain the right to work.
D. Because they wanted to end women's inequality.
4. Why did Horace Mann feel that reforming the American educational system was important?
A. It would help people attain better jobs.
B. It would help in the right to end slavery.
C. It would help in the fight for gender equality.
D. It would help people become better Christians.**
5. Which statement best describes the general route of the Underground Railroad?
A. It brought slaves to the North where slavery had been abolished.**
B. It brought slaves to rural areas where they could hide from slaveholders.
C. It brought slaves to safe houses in the South where the reunited with their families.
D. It brought slaves to western lands where they could escape the reach of the national government.
6. In what way did Frederick Douglass help contribute to the abolitionist movement?
A. By founding anti-slavery society.
B. By bringing lawsuits against slaveholders.
C. By making public lectures across the nation.**
D. By encouraging slaves to fight for their freedom.
7. What was significant about the Seneca Falls Convention?
A. It was where women publicly demanded equal rights.**
B. It was the site of the first college willing to admit women.
C. It was the first time women were allowed to vote in a local election.
D. It was where the first women's trade union met.
8. What did many American artists of the mid-1800s seek to convey in their artwork?
A. The horrors of civil war.
B. A longing for past traditions.
C. The strength of democratic values and individualism.
D. An appreciation of American people and landscapes.**
2 answers