I keep on getting the wrong answer I don't know if there is even static friciton in this problem in the begining before the rope snaps or not and if so if it must be equal to the Mu they give because there is only one but you can't have the same values for both coffecients of friction so I don't know how to do this problem

A 25-kg crate is held stationary on an incline by a rope with a tension of 32 N. Suddenly the rope snaps, sending the crate into a downard slide. If the coefficent of friction between the crate and the incline is .73, how many seconds will it take fo rthe crate to reach a speed of 5.0 m/s?

Answer from back of book 3.9 s

Obviously take equilibrium before rope snaps to solve for theta and then solve for acceleration and then solve for time but I don't get that answer if you could show me how to get that answer that would be great