Re-check #s 4 and 5.
The others seem fine.
I just wanted check my phonemes' division
cow -c/ow (2 phonemes)
tree- t/r/E (3)
shopping - sh/o/p/i/ng (5)
matter - m/a/t/e/r/ (5)
gutters- g/u/t/e/r/s (6)
horse h/o/r/se (4)
car- c/a/r (3)
chart /ch/a/r/t (4)
see - s/e (2)
saw- s/aw (2)
sawing- s/aw/i/ng (4)
savings- s/a/v/i/ng/s (6)
3 answers
I'm not sure what's wrong with them. Is it because I just typed one t instead of 2?
No, that's not it.
Please double check what -er counts as. The "r" in English usually produces differences we don't hear with other consonants. The ending -er is usually one sound; sometimes it's explained that the "e" is not pronounced.
Please double check what -er counts as. The "r" in English usually produces differences we don't hear with other consonants. The ending -er is usually one sound; sometimes it's explained that the "e" is not pronounced.