He died, but left no specified heir. His empire was "carved up" by the generals.
I just want to know this for fun because I saw it and one of my history books and want to learn about it.
Why did Alexander the Greats empire fall?
3 answers
Alexander the Great died when he was only 33 years old. His heirs couldn't hold the empire together.
I guess I would have to go along with that but wonder if it would have lasted if he had lived. The last few years of scooting around the Middle East and western Asia did not seem to be aimed at establishing any sort of permanent government but rather putting people in titular charge of regions, often the same people who ruled them before he came along. Perhaps he had plans to add North Africa etc to his successes. We will never know. However all he established of lasting value were some cities such as Alexandria in Egypt which became a world leader in academics for a while and in trade, but that mostly under the Romans. Meanwhile Athens decayed. The library at Alexandria lasted but the science disappeared afeter a couple of generations of innovation until the Arabs started it up again with Algebra etc. Genghis Khan and his successors established a much bigger and more lasting empire and it included the leading countries at the time, particularly China.