I just want to get someone's opinion on a question that was on my son's reading test. He's in first grade.

Which word has the same beginning sounds as spring.

A. spin
B. stripe
C. spray

The answer is C could A not also be an answer. I know the spr in both words but spin begins with sp also. Could someone explain.

5 answers

I agree with you. However, since there can be only one answer, it must consider the first three letters as a beginning sound.

Please help your child learn to choose the BEST answer when he's confused.
The word spin is close, but spring is closer.


~~ sp makes one sound; it's a phoneme.

~~ spr makes one sound; it's a phoneme, and it's distinctly different from sp because of the r.

I hope this makes sense.
Thanks. I just wanted another opinion. This a test the teacher made up herself and I just thought it was a little misleading but I guess that's to get them to think about it. Then to make things worse the very first choice is Spin. I'm not a teacher either and I guess I'm going to see some things a little different. Thanks again.
Thanks Writeacher. I guess I was writing my post before seeing your post. Thanks to both of you.
You're very welcome.

I never thought those boring linguistics classes I had to take would ever come in handy, but they have ... especially when I was working with kids right out of ESL classes, still learning to spell English words!