i just want to confirm my answers, before answering the question in exams on monday.

What is the process of recruitment?

Answer:1. determine the vacancies
these includes,post to be filled, qualifications requires, duties to be performed.

2. consider sources.
one should take into consideration whether they will use external or internal sources.

3. prepare and publish information.
advertising the job needed through newspaper.
launching of application form

4.Once the previous step is done, the applications forms should to be processed,

5. Assesment
Those condisidered as eligible will be asseess, will be interviewed.

6. Notify applicant results of the selection.

Both, that is, those who has passed or failed, must be informed about their results.
Even the unsuccessful one should be informed,so as to maintain a good image of the organisation.

7. contracts of employment , induction and training program.

1 answer

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