I just thought that there are people always on this web 2 help.

Now I know.

Lily, yes I am a teacher, and so are a number of others who help here. We are happy to help, but are not always here at the exact moment you are. Good luck with your project.

Thankz anyways.

Wat can a diorama of a Ancient Egyptian tomb look like?
Plz, can anybody help me?
I'm stuck. :'(

This site gives you a step by step way to make an ancient Egyptian tomb


This site will give you pictures of how an actual one looks

(Broken Link Removed)

We're glad you like this homework-help website! Please keep in mind that there are not always people sitting around waiting for students' questions to be posted! Make sure you never post last-minute questions so you won't be disappointed.


R u a teacher?
Because u alwayz have really good webs.

Thanks, again.

1 answer
