I just need to know how to start this equation because it makes no sense

The position of a particle is given by r = (6.0 cos 3.0 t i + 6.0 sin 3.0 t j) meters. Determine

(a) the velocity vector, v, and

(b) the acceleartion vector, a.

(c) What is the parth of this particle? [Hint: Determine r = |r|.]

(d) What is the realtion between r and a (give a formula), and between r and a (give an angle)?

(e) show that a = r^-1 v^2

ok for the part before (a)
I have no idea what the "t"s are they appear as subscripts after the number 3.0 and "i" and "j" are blold and are obviously unit vector notation I know that

In the Hint thing the first r is italazised and the second one is bold so I'm not exactly sure what to do here one is a vector, the bold one, the other isn't

in part (d) the first set of "r and a" is italisized and the other is bold