I just have a quick question for you.

Do I use Charles' Law to solve the following problem, if not, how should I approach this?

If a 5.0 sample of a gas undergoes an increase in temperature under constant pressure,what is a possible new volume?

Thanks for your help.

7 answers

Yes, Charles' Law, assuming 5.0 whatever it is is a volume.
This gas has undergone 'an increase in temperature under constant pressure'; yet a value has not beeen provided. Please define this for me.

Thanks again
What is the 5.0? If that isn't a value, what is it? and what are the units? Or did you make up that value of 5.0 and did not add units to it?
I'm sorry I don't have an answer for your question..as to what units are involved. In trying to solve,I asked myself the same question. I wrote the question verbatum.
Incidentally the answer to that chemistry question is suppose to be 5.4L, if that's of any help
The answer helps a little but not much. The question is a screw-ball one; for it gives no units for the 5.0 and it gives no initial and no final T, just the fact that T increases. I guess the only thing to do is to pick a number (any number?) that is above 5.0 L. An increase in T will mean an increase in volume; therefore, any number above 5.0 should work. But the ONLY way I know to come up with 5.4 L is to assume 5.0 is in L and T increases by by a factor of 0.08. That means IF we start with 298 K, the new T would be 321.84 K. IF we start with 400 K, the new T would be 432 K. I'm sorry I can't be more help. I think this problem has serious problems of its own.
"I this problem has serious problems of it own" lol
That comment was great..made me laugh.

The question was taken from my chemistry text's supplementary online students resource.

I did email that question to my teacher afterwardds..she taught it was a strange question.

So, thanks..I appreciate your work.