All of the tutors are volunteers and answer questions when they have free time. We are not organized in any way.
Obviously, we each have our own specialties and only answer questions with which we feel comfortable.
For instance, I'm on Jiskha a lot and answer elementary math, English, and social studies questions. I can't begin to tackle higher level math and science questions.
I just have a question for the people who help the students.
Do you guys pick certain people to answer or does it take more time to figure out or answer certain problems over others? Or does it just have to do with the fact that some tutors and volunteers only teach certain subjects and aren't certified in others?
I still see kids that asked questions about an hour and a half ago that still have not gotten their question answered but current questions coming up are being answered instantly. No disrespect or ignorance intended, just curious.
Thank you
4 answers
Okay, thank you so much! I was just curious and that makes a lot more sense now. Thanks for answering!
You are very welcome. :-)