I just found a baby bird.We think it is a red cardinal.My family is unsure what to feed it.It is newborn.What do we do?
10 answers
i would take it to a place like bush wildlife or an animal shelter< as for food< seeds are good
Please read this site carefully.
what if it is cold? And it kinda smells like urine but it didn't go "potty"
Oh, and I forgot to mention:I am going on a trip tomorrow and it is bleeding on its wing due to my cat.
You need to read the above site.
I doubt if your bird is still alive tomorrow.
I doubt if your bird is still alive tomorrow.
Besides, baby birds need to be fed every few minutes from sunup to sundown.
is there any other way?
is there any other way?
Read the linked article above.
Liz -- you asked for our help -- and I posted excellent information about caring for baby birds. Why do you ignore my advice?
i don't know. I'm very worried about it.I'm sorry.