I just completed an oral presentation.And now ready to ask myself.Some questions number one was my topic appropriate for my audience.Do I believe that my presentation helped the attention of the members of my audience and added to their understanding?If there was anything about my claim And findings I would change what would it be, Number 2, in my opinion, did my visuals and multimedia component.Help my audience or did it get in the way of my presentation Is number three dale Carnegie, The author of the art of public speaking once said there are always three ,Speeches for everyone. You actually gave the one you practiced the 1 you gave and the 1 you wish you gave. How does the presentation you gave a different from the one you practice and the 1 you wish you gave. Why do you think that is true?, ( Create a really short mini oral presentation.And Answer these questions based on that made up presentation)
1 answer
For my presentation, I chose the topic of the benefits of meditation for stress relief. I believed this topic was appropriate for my audience as stress is a common issue that many people face in their daily lives.
I believe that my presentation helped capture the attention of the members of my audience and added to their understanding of the benefits of meditation for stress relief. I received positive feedback from the audience, indicating that they found the information valuable.
If there was anything I would change about my claim and findings, it would be to provide more specific examples and case studies to support my points. This would further strengthen my argument and make it more convincing for the audience.
In terms of visuals and multimedia components, I used calming images and soothing music to enhance the presentation. I believe that these elements helped engage the audience and create a relaxing atmosphere during the talk.
Reflecting on Dale Carnegie's statement about the three speeches, I believe that the presentation I gave was different from the one I practiced and the one I wished I gave. The presentation I gave was more concise and focused than the one I practiced, as I had to adapt to the time constraints of the event. The one I wished I gave would have included more interactive activities and practical tips for incorporating meditation into daily life.
Overall, I think the presentation was successful in delivering the key points about the benefits of meditation for stress relief. The audience seemed engaged and interested in the topic, and I received positive feedback on the content and delivery of the presentation.