I included an introduction to 18th-century novels (is it correct?) + the features of Defoe's novels. Thank you.

1) Structure of his novels
His novels are fictional autobiographies always pretending to be true stories.
2) They are preceded by a preface by the author which stresses their authenticity and are characterised by a series of episodes held together by the presence of a unifying hero.
3) As he neither planned nor revised his works, they lack a coherent plot. He uses retrospective first person narration and his point of view mainly coincides with the main character’s.
4) The characters are presented from the inside and they usually appear in isolation.
The Rise of the Novel
5) The author employed 1st-person or 3rd-person narration. The narrator never abandoned his characters.
6) The realism of the novel was linked to the way the story was presented. In order to reinforce the idea of realism all the characters were given contemporary names and surnames
7) The main aim of the writer was to write in a simple way so as to be understood even by less well educated readers.

1 answer

1) Structure of his novels
His novels are fictional autobiographies, which always seem quite realistic. ("pretending to be true..." = redundant!)

2) OK

3) As he neither planned nor revised his works, they lack a coherent plot. He uses retrospective, first-person narration, and his point of view mainly coincides with the main character’s.

4) The characters are presented from the inside, and they usually appear in isolation.

The Rise of the Novel
5) The author employed 1st-person or 3rd-person narration. The narrator never abandoned his characters.

6) 1 comma needed

7) OK