I having problems converting my answer to just cm.

Average Velocity = 1 m/s
Water per day = 6,000 m^3/day
Want to find the diameter of fluid flow.
I am using the equation:
D = sqrt(4*q)/(pi*v)
q= volumetric flow rate (6,000 m^3/day)
v= velocity (1 m/s)

when I solve I get 87.4 m^2/s*day. How do i change it do just cm?

2 answers

I think there's a problem here

sqrt(4q) is sqrt(m^3/day)
v = m/s = sqrt(m^2/s^2)

so, D is sqrt(m^3/day * s^2/m^2) = sqrt(m-s^2/day)

sec^2/day will resolve to just sec, so
D is sqrt(m-s)

If you want just meters, you have a problem. YOu need to multiply by sqrt(m/s)

Sure that it's not

D = sqrt(4q)/(pi*v)^(3/2)
I'm not sure how to solve this problem actually. My instructor just said flow area * velocity = volumetric flow rate. Find the diameter.