I have written an answer for the question below.
Why do Ellie and her brothers resemble her parents?
Explain how genetic information passes from parents to their offspring.
Please check if i have included all the scientific words and if i have explained how genetic information passes from parents to their offspring?
Ellie and her brothers resemble her parents. A body is made up of cells, within each cell there is a nucleus and within the nucleus are the chromosomes- DNA coiled around proteins. Each human cell has 64 chromosomes which determine what the offspring looks like. 23 comes from the egg cell and 23 comes from the sperm cell. The egg and sperm cells are from the parents. The transfer of chromosomes from Ellie and her brother's parents during reproduction that makes them resemble their parents. The combination of recessive and dominant genes in the chromosomes from your parents that make you look unique.
1 answer
The first part of your answer "Ellie .... DNA coiled around proteins." is redundant. It does not answer the question.
"Each human cell has 64 chromosomes". This is wrong. (I think it's a typo) Please take note there are 46 chromosomes, or 23 pairs of chromosomes in each somatic cell in the body.
I think you should include in your answer that Ellie and her brothers are offsprings of their parents, and that sexual reproduction consists of the fusion of male gamete with the female gamete to give a diploid zygote, which would then undergo mitosis to form the baby. In each zygote, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes, one paternal and one maternal, hence the combination of alleles come from both parents.
Then for the second part of the question talk about sexual reproduction, the fusion of haploid male gamete and haploid female gamete to form a diploid zygote, talk about crossing over during prophase 1 of meiosis, random assortment of chromosomes.
Hope it helps :)