I have trouble how to resist pH in buffer solutions ( in acidic buffer , and in basic buffer ) when we add an acid , and a base ! how the reactions in buffer follow Le chatlier's principle ?

3 answers

CO3^-2 + H3O+ <==> HCO3- + H2O
HPO4^-2 + H2O <==> OH- + H2PO4-

During the increasing of the forward reaction , the pH of the solutions would be :

1) increased
2) decreased
3) the same
4) may be increased or decreased
My question is that which of them is correct ? and why ?

thank you
Sorry these are two different questions
For the second question and increase in the forward direction increases OH in the HPO4 rxn and that decreases pH.

For the CO3^2- rxn the increase in the forward rxn decreases pH because H3O^+ is being used.

For the initial post I don't know what you're asking.