CO3^-2 + H3O+ <==> HCO3- + H2O
HPO4^-2 + H2O <==> OH- + H2PO4-
During the increasing of the forward reaction , the pH of the solutions would be :
1) increased
2) decreased
3) the same
4) may be increased or decreased
My question is that which of them is correct ? and why ?
thank you
I have trouble how to resist pH in buffer solutions ( in acidic buffer , and in basic buffer ) when we add an acid , and a base ! how the reactions in buffer follow Le chatlier's principle ?
3 answers
Sorry these are two different questions
For the second question and increase in the forward direction increases OH in the HPO4 rxn and that decreases pH.
For the CO3^2- rxn the increase in the forward rxn decreases pH because H3O^+ is being used.
For the initial post I don't know what you're asking.
For the CO3^2- rxn the increase in the forward rxn decreases pH because H3O^+ is being used.
For the initial post I don't know what you're asking.