I have to write this number in word form 1,358,049?
Is it One million, three hundred fifty-eight thousand, forty-five
11 answers
Correct, except the last digit is not right.
was working it to fast forty-nine
Right! :-)
The answer is one million three thousand fifty eight fourth nine
hi my name is Katherine and I am 5th grade teacher at allice taylor elementray school and I am very mean my student call me mrs.williams
Well not really something to answer to, but! Just be more nicer?
Katherine your students really calls you that? You must be really mean. Try to be nicer and maybe they’ll call you your real name. If I was your student I could see if that was true. But it looks like you see that you are very mean so why do you continue to be mean? Btw who is Mrs. Williams is she mean too. Also is Mrs. Williams meaner than you? If so that’s bad. Yikes 😬 -hi!!!
Instead of the five it should be nine
Hi as my name says I can't dance