I have to write an argumentative essay regarding the lack of proper nutrition below is my introductory paragraph am I on track or am I lacking for this type of essay?
It is no secret that the lack of proper nutrition is a problem worldwide that affects people of all ages and ethnic backgrounds for various reasons. Although the lack of proper nutrition is a global problem, it is more prominent in less-developed countries, but is still prevalent in more-developed countries such as the United States. The lack of proper nutrition is not only detrimental to our health and development, but due to all the chronic diseases associated with it, can be quite taxing on our healthcare systems. The lack of proper nutrition has been a problem for many countries for years, but there has been an increase in the last several years. Some of the main reasons for lack of proper nutrition is poverty or lack of accessibility which affects people of low or no income as well as students, another reason is the lack of knowledge which is also more prominent among lower income people, another major reason for lack of proper nutrition is the poor food choices people make every day which is most prominent among adolescents.
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