I have to write a thesis for iy personal essay. i am choosing the time when i came to america when i was in second grade leaving my home country.
My teacher just told us to come with the thesis first, but i can't put mine into words.
can you please help me?
I guess when I came to america, i was excited about the fact that i was actually going to a different country. i came from india so USA is definitley different from my home country.
I felt excited but scared of how i was going to fit into this environment. how everyone in school was going to look at me. i also couldn't believe that i was in a different country. i never thought i would live in america, but i am for ten years.
i was also sad about leaving my family behind and was thinking when i was going to see them.
now i have to write my feelings into a thesis. i don't know how to explain in a sentence how this incident effect's my life. i just don't want to write i was scared and excited. how do i make my thesis mean more me just coming to america.
2 answers
Immigrating to the United States was the most momentous event of my life.