i have to write a review of the short stiry the rocking horse winner . i need help in how to start it is this good intro about author then short story and then write the themes. if this is not the way give me an outline i could follow or tips for making it right.
5 answers
or i can write an intro then talk about one of the characters then write a conclusion but im not good writing a conclusion so i will need help so if this is better give me tips on a conclusion thanks for the help
In a few sentences, the introduction indicates what you will tell them in the body of the paper.
The body of the paper gives the details.
The conclusion/summary tells them what you told them.
You can write your review and post it to get more feedback.
I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.
The body of the paper gives the details.
The conclusion/summary tells them what you told them.
You can write your review and post it to get more feedback.
I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.
Here's a good webpage to help you with conclusions:
In addition, here's a good website about writing book reviews. It's not the same as just writing a summary of the story.
Here are some other book-review-writing websites:
In addition, here's a good website about writing book reviews. It's not the same as just writing a summary of the story.
Here are some other book-review-writing websites:
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