I have to write a final over race and my community and I am having trouble with the introdutcion. The instructions say " Your thesis statement must address racial issues in your local community.
Please make sure that you have a well-written introduction. The introduction gives a “sneak preview” of what is expected in the Body of the paper."
Does my introduction include this? I am having a hard time determining this. Thanks (introduction below)
I was born and raised in a fairly small city in North Eastern Texas. Denison is located in Grayson County on U.S. Highway 75, just 75 miles north of Dallas and 4 miles south of the Texas Oklahoma border. One of the interesting facts about my community is that it is the birthplace of the 34th president, Dwight D. Eisenhower. Denison has a few attractions that bring tourist to the area such as: the home where Eisenhower was born and Lake Texoma which is one of the largest reservoirs in the United States. The lake provides recreation and fishing opportunities for tourist and members of the community. While the city of Denison is primarily made up of Caucasian Americans, my community holds less than 25% of diversity.
2 answers
"While the city of Denison is primarily made up of Caucasian Americans, my community holds less than 25% of diversity." If you intended that as your thesis statement, it doesn't work because it doesn't address the topic, doesn't state what an issue or several issues are.