If you are using Word as your word processing program, open the program and then click on File, then New. (top left)
On the right side of the screen, several choices for templates will show up. Start with On my Computer, and a new little box will show up with tabs across the top. Choose Memos and then pick one to use.
I have to write a business memo about this topic:Your company sells its products in many different countries. The Director of Exporting and Trade has decided to take on a number of interns over the summer to help the company communicate with its outlets within the various foreign countries. The interns, who are studying to get their Associates Degree
in Business, are going to need an introduction to international labor if they are going to be able to communicate with the various countries.
• Write a 350- to 700-word memo explaining the basics of how labor forces influence international business.
• Include information on labor quality, quantity, and mobility, as well as minorities, the labor market, and labor unions.
• Post the memo as an attachment.
My only problem is how to go about formatting it does anyone know a website that can show me how or allow me to type in my own words and then have it formatted automatically?
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