I have to write a 300-500 word essay answering the following questions

What benefits do you expect to achieve from career exploration?

What do you expect to be the most challenging parts of your career planning process? Why?

What questions do you hope to answer about career exploration as you study this course?

I don't know where to start. I'm really stuck. Someone help please!!

5 answers

Please re-read your question and understand why only you can answer these questions.

I take it this is a new class for you this semester. Your teacher is trying to find out what YOU want to learn in this class.

Please let us know which question(s) you don't understand.
Yes this is a new course. I don't know what to do for the second question because I already know or have an idea of what I want to do.
One thing that career interest tests (no right or wrong answers, though!) and career exploration courses teach us is whether our current thinking is on course or if we have other strengths and interests we should consider. For that second question, you should probably indicate that you are open to new ideas.
I am doing grade 10 but still im not sure if im doing the right stream (im doing commerce),when i choose this subject i wanted to be a business woman or a commercial lawyer. Now im thinking of being a judge or
I did this as my first lesson and I did 364 words and I got 100% on it