i have to take this big unit test on this college textbook called "Traditions and Encounters" on the first 6 chapters which is 166 pages overall. The test is this Monday.

I have my chapter notes, quizzes, maps, and study questions. Although, what is the best way to study?

4 answers

read the chapter summaries and learn main points, and make sure i know the quiz questions as well as the study questions. also read the main things the prof. spent time on in lecture from your text.
A very effective way to study is to make and use flash cards. You can go through your notes and your text and put terms and questions on one side of an index card and the definitions and answers on the other side. Use these flash cards just as people use flash cards for learning math facts and terms, vocabulary, etc.

There are lots of other ideas in these websites, but don't spend too much time on these. Add them to your favorites and return to them again and again to get ideas for studying, reading, taking class notes, prepping for tests, etc.



Scroll down for ideas.

LMAO i have to take the SAME
LMAO i have to take the SAME one tomorrow too .