I have to summarize what "The March of the Women" was about, from this:

March of the Women: On October 5, 1789, a crowd of housewives in Paris, and some men disguised as women marched to city hall and demanded an end to the bread shortage and high prices of bread at the time. These women represented the third estate, both peasants and the middle class. As they did not receive a suitable response, the women, many of them armed with pikes, marched to Versailles to confront the National Assembly and the king. They were received by both the Assembly and the king, yet decided to stay overnight. In the early morning, a mob stormed the royal apartments, murdering two bodyguards, and almost killing Marie Antoinete. At length, the women and a procession of National Guardsmen marched to Paris with the King and Queen.

My summary: The march of the women was about an event which occured in the French Revolution. The poor women of Paris, found that there was shortage of bread, and that their prices were very high. So to demand an end to that, they all marched to city hall. That idea didn't work out well, because these women represented 3rd estate. These women didn't give up and marched to Versailles to confront the National Assembly as well as the king. They were well inward by both the king and National Assembly. Unfortunately a mob stormed the royal apartments, murdered 2 bodyguards and almost killed Marie Antoinette. At extent, the women as well as a marching of National Guardsmen walked to Paris with king and queen.

I had a little trouble putting this in my own words. I will really appreciate it, if you can change the wordings around, thanks.

7 answers

These women didn't give up but marched to Versailles to confront the National Assembly as well as the king.

They were well inward by both the king and National Assembly.
What do you mean by "well inward"

At extent, the women as well as a marching of National Guardsmen walked to Paris with king and queen.
This sentence doesn't make sense.
sorry, I mean they were well received by king and N.A.

At the end, the women as well as a a procession of National Guardsmen walked to Paris with the King and Queen.

I need help putting this in my own words.
The women and some National Guardsmen took the king and queen to Paris.
The march of the women was about an event which occured in the French Revolution. The poor women of Paris, found that there was shortage of bread, and that their prices were very high. So to demand an end to that, they all marched to city hall. That idea didn't work out well, because these women represented 3rd estate. These women didn't give up but marched to Versailles to confront the National Assembly as well as the king. They were well received by both the king and National Assembly. Unfortunately next morning, a mob stormed the royal apartments, murdered 2 bodyguards and almost killed Marie Antoinette. At the end, the women and some National Guardsmen took the king and queen to Paris.

Ms. Sue do you think this is a good summary? Also, are there any other sentences that you think should be put in my own words? Or is it fine the way it is.
This looks good, Sara.
thank you Ms. Sue:-)
You're welcome, Sara. :-)