I have to submit a complaint on any advertisment which I think should be banned

And it should be one that you feel violates any clause of the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards or the Gender Portrayal Guidelines. Write a letter of complaint following the outline given on the Web site. Remember to state the pertinent clause and give reasons why you feel this clause has been violated.

I can do this myself, the only thing I need is an advertisement. I have no clue on what Ad to write a complaint about:/

2 answers

Since you posted this a few days ago, you should have been watching TV and the internet carefully for ads that are offensive to you. I don't watch TV, so I can't help you with choosing an ad. But your assignment asks you to find an ad that shows a woman in a negative light. Certainly, an ad that shows a woman as just eye-candy would qualify.
Ok..I'll try to find something like that.