i have to Submit a 700-1000 word paper. The paper should be formatted following APA guidelines, and answer these questions:
1. Considering that Hinduism lacks a uniting belief system, what makes up the Hindu religion?
2. What are the cultural and societal influences that have made Hinduism vital to the region in which it originated?
3. Explain the desire for liberation from earthly existence.
i just wanted to know if i am on the right track thank you.
One of the oldest religions the Hindu Religion is a collective grouping of different Indian religions that have been categorized together as if they were one religion “Hinduism”. This religion has no known founder mainly because the religion itself is a collection diverse beliefs and traditions. Hinduism developed by incorporating a lot of different beliefs and customs of the region in which it grew up in. As a whole many of these different beliefs and traditions that have been gathered came mainly during the (Vedic period (or Vedic Age) is the period in the history of India when the sacred Vedic Sanskrit texts such as the Vedas were composed. The associated culture, sometimes referred to as Vedic civilization, was centered on the Indo-Gangetic Plain. Scholarship places the Vedic period into the 2nd and 1st millennia BCE, continuing up to the 6th century BCE. This civilization is the foundation of Hinduism and the associated Indian culture that is known today.). But the term “Hinduism” first placed on the religion by foreigners to the people who lived in the Indus River. However now a-days the preferred alternative name for this collective religion is Sanatana Dharma where Santana means eternal or ageless and Dharma means religion for a meaning of “eternal religion” or “ageless religion”.
Hinduism is a unique religion which does not have as much of a strict belief system as other types of major religions have such as Christianity and Islam. As a whole Hinduism welcomes and incorporates all different types of religions and beliefs this has become perhaps India’s greatest strength where they are able to unite people of multiple traditions, beliefs and backgrounds to work together as one. This can be seen in India’s population where there is a practice of “Ahimsa” which literally means an avoidance of violence. This practice helps to maintain a civil peaceful atmosphere in a region that has so many religious as well as political differences. Hinduism has allowed the people of India to work together in general peace a big reason for this can be that Hinduism is a faith that practices non-violence and adapts to situations. Under this religion they do not generally outright reject new and different ideas even if it is contrary to there own beliefs rather yet they may incorporate those new ideas into there beliefs in one way or another.
I only see two problems. 1) Your first three sentences are repetition. I would get rid of the third sentence.
The other problem - you haven't explained your third point. The first two are covered nicely.
I also think it's lacking a little bit in relation to the first question.
You're right on all the points made. But Hinduism also does have some Theological structure to it. They have similar texts, which you touched on. Great job there!
But Hinduism is also henotheistic. It is not polytheistic nor monotheistic. Hindus recognize one diety, but see other gods as forms or manifestations of that diety. That is why they can adapt so well. It looks like you began to explain how they bring in and easily accept other faiths as being Hindu as well, but that's an important reason as to why.
You're doing fine in talking about the historical points that helped make it vital to the region, but this web site may help you develop it more and pull it together more tightly:
Guru is right that you did not develop the 3rd point. But you're on the right track so far. Just thought you might like to see a little more on how to tighten it up.
Great work so far.