I have to Rewrite the following sentences using future proche.

1. II dine restaurant

II vous dine restaurant

2. Grand-maman va a' son e'glise.

Grande maman ira à l'église

Please check for me.Thanks

I believe that for the first scentence you should have had there word "au restaurant" and secondly if its futur your first scentence was written in present so it should be
il vous dinera au restaurant

as for the second one it is correct

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. There are two future tenses; one is the pure future which Linda has given you and the other is the future proche which is a form of aller + the infinitive.

1. Il va diner au restaurant.

2. If you want grandmother = grand-mère / grandma = grand-maman. If you use "Grand maman" you have "big mamma!" The rest is "va a aller à l'église."