Yes, that's correct.
After you've divided by the sum, you have a fraction, which you then multiply by 360° to get the angle in degrees.
I have to put these estimates on a circle graph. These are estimated deaths in canada in 1996. Do I add them all up first then divide them by the answer?
murders 510
alchcol 1900
car accidents 2900
Tobacco 45,000
8 answers
A useful approach is to take a simpler case
Suppose there were just 5 by murders, 30 by accidents, and 65 by tobacco
How many would all the deaths add up to?
What proportion of all deaths would be by tobacco?
So there were 100 deaths, 65 by tobacco
So tobacco would be 65% of all deaths, and would cover 65% of the full circle
Then (65/100) * 360 degrees gives you the angle
So yes, the first step is adding them up, and then seeing what proportion of the total each is, and then working out the angle
Suppose there were just 5 by murders, 30 by accidents, and 65 by tobacco
How many would all the deaths add up to?
What proportion of all deaths would be by tobacco?
So there were 100 deaths, 65 by tobacco
So tobacco would be 65% of all deaths, and would cover 65% of the full circle
Then (65/100) * 360 degrees gives you the angle
So yes, the first step is adding them up, and then seeing what proportion of the total each is, and then working out the angle
is this correct for murders? (510/54120)*360=3.4
Ayup! 54120 total deaths 510 from murder will be represented by about 3.4 degrees of the circle
alcohol 13%
Car Acc. 19%
suicides 25%
Tobacco 300%
Are these right?
Car Acc. 19%
suicides 25%
Tobacco 300%
Are these right?
The numbers are close, but not exact since for example alcohol is about 12.6 rather than 13, but yes, you've clearly got it - but be careful; those numbers are degrees, not percent
Alcohol is about 3.5%, and that makes about 12.6 degrees of a circle
Alcohol is about 3.5%, and that makes about 12.6 degrees of a circle
so murder perentage is .94% and 3.4 degree of the circle.
So when doing the pie graph I put the percentage on the pie graph?
So when doing the pie graph I put the percentage on the pie graph?
How you present the pie chart is kind of up to you, unless you were given specific instructions. You could put the numbers of deaths, or the percentages, or both.
Apparently I can't put a link here, but if you go to the Wikipedia page Pie_chart you will see typical examples.
Apparently I can't put a link here, but if you go to the Wikipedia page Pie_chart you will see typical examples.