I have to post a topic for my final project to be accepted by my instructor. I want to write a persuasive essay about drugs. My first thought was to write about why drug users use drugs but as I research this there does not seem to be anything. Do you have any suggestions for a topic on drugs? I know ther are so many, but the topics needs to be somewhat in the present.

1 answer

I do not know the critieria nor purpose of your "final project", but as a general rule, stay away from drugs, sex, and gossip in any assigned writing; the pitfalls are just too many.
What about cosmetic surgery for adolsecents (nose, breast, and buttock changes)?
What about giving felons the right to vote?
What about requiring newlyweds to take a community based child rearing course?
Persuasive essays can be on many things.

If you want to stay in focus on drugs, then I suggest pick a drug rehab program and critique it..there are a few effective ones (Teen Challenge, for instance).