I have to make a presentation and show three alternative mathods for maximizing food production for Cambodia
I feel that Agricultural and livestock practices, production and marketing are very poor in the majority of the communities in Cambodia.
Work with farmers that have already been trained to help train farmers in new communities.
Set up pumps for aiding to the farming.
Facilitate these trainings as well as teach biblical principles of agriculture.
Can some one tell me if I am on the right track here or give me some advise please I am stuck I do not know where else to go.
Your plan is really off base.
First. Ninety-five percent of the inhabitants of Cambodia are Buddists. Biblical principles are not likely to be of much authority.
Second. The great majority of Buddists are not meat eaters. Livestock production as an occupation will rate lower than being a professional thief.
Third. Pumps? Doesn't CAmbodia suffer from too much rainfall?
The main agriculture products from CAmboodia are rice, rubber, corn, vegetables, cashews, tapioca. Rubber is an export crop. The others are used for food.
I suspect fertilizers are a big problem in food production, that hunch is based on the rainfall amounts.
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