I have to imagine myself as an adult who knows me as a student.Then I have to create a made up letter of reference for myself based on what I hope someone would honestly be able to write about me in the future.

SO basically Im that teacher..

Paragraph 1. In this paragraph, describe how long and in what competence you have known the student. You may wish to explain the role that the student has taken in your business or personal relationship.

Paragraph 2. In this paragraph, describe student’s positive personality features and characteristics which you have identified during this relationship. Please give a couple of specific examples.

Paragraph 3. In this paragraph, mention any future opportunities that you may have with the student. Conclude with a statement that positively summarizes this individual.

My Reference Letter(Please check to see if my reference letter Implies all of the above)

I have had the satisfaction of knowing Anonymous for five years while she has served as an excellent student in my classes. At all times I have found Anonymous to be hard-working, reliable, and very organized. She can work independently and is able to follow through to ensure that the work gets done.

Anonymous is compassionate, bright, thoughtful and very creative in some areas of work. She is also responsible and has never arrived late or unprepared to class. She likes to help out others with problems they are encountering with their work. She makes it easy and simple for them to get a better understanding of. Anonymous has shown a vast amount of effort in her works. She has shown positive attitude throughout the course and has set out good examples for others to follow.

Paragraph three is going uneasy on me(Are there any sites I could use to get ideas on this, about future oppurtunites, I do not really know how to start.)

Also Do any of the above paragraphs need fixing, have I put in all the information the paragraphs have asked for. I looked at a variety of reference letters on the net to get better ideas. Please list anything else I could add or use in here. Thanks!

1 answer

Alright, thanks SraJMcGin. If Im still having trouble with this, Ill try posting it again tomorrow. Thanks:)