I have to find out what this part of a story is about. 1) don't know where professor got it 2)I think it might pertain to Victorian era:

They measured each other with the eye. to her he was a spidery thing against the velvet blackness and hard silver sufaces of the pond. ....A squaw, she dared not strike her lord.

please help

Although Victorian English is not my area of expertise, I will try.

They looked each other over. Her impression of him was something like a spider, a sinister impression. A squaw is subservient, having less power, so she is unlikely to challenge him in any way.

I hope that helps. Thanks for asking.

thanks for your help. Is there any way you can tell me where I might be able to find this part of the passage?

I put a couple of the clauses through Google's advanced search (exact phrase), but nothing came up. Apparently, whatever the source is, it's not online.

You might try checking with the reference librarian at your local or college library. They are usually quite good at finding these kinds of things.


Hey ELDA you must be in Nuss' LOL I tried everything and found nothing, but I'm guessing if it's not online, then it must be modernish??? What do you think?