I have to find a problem with this argument if there is one. Is there a problem with the argument? :

Dr. Jack Kevorkian helped people that were terminally ill. He helped them by ending their suffering by ending their lives the way the patients wanted. The common misconception is that he helps them die, instead, see it as him relieving a patient of their unending suffering and pain. It is also important to remember that it is not Dr. Jack’s wish, it is the patient’s wish. Dr. Jack was an option for people that could not be helped to die peacefully.

1 answer

The common misconception is that he helps them die, instead, see it as him relieving a patient ....common misconception is the subject of the sentence, but in the see it as him, it does not fit as subject: can common misconception see it as ...? need to rechange the subject, or break into two sentences, rephrasing the "see it as" with a subject that fits.
Now argument: what makes a patients wish moral? If the patient wished death for any others would that be ok? Are we certain the patient is mentally competent? How are you so certain it is not Dr Jack's wish?