I have to explain why human service worker's uses the Rosenberg self esteem scale. This is what I have so far. Can you tell me where to find more information on why they use the scale and how my part sounds so far.

Morris Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale is a useful tool for Human service workers, because it evaluates a clients global and domain self-esteem. “Global self esteem refers to an individual’s overall evaluation of him or herself. Domain specific self evaluations focus on a specific facet of the self, such as physical appearance or academic competence.” The self-esteem scale allows the Human service worker, to get a more effective understanding of what a clients feelings are toward his or her: self acceptance, self liking, and self-respect.
Many human services will find the Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale useful because it is a brief and unidimensional measure of their client’s self-esteem. The self-esteem scale has demonstrated positive reliability and validity within a diverse group of people.

1 answer

What you have looks good. But I'm curious why a human services worker needs to know about a person's self esteem.

You'll find a lot more information in these sites.
