I have to do an essay on how religion and culture are connected? help !!!! I can only use one of the ancient religions and one of the asian civilizations that appear in the unit. basically Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism. And the civilizations/rulers are Chandragupta, Asoka (in India) and Shang, Han or Zhou dynasties in China.
help this is confusing and my brain hurts
7 answers
How about Hinduism and the caste system?
Thank you, my teacher said that would probably be the easiest. Where do I start? I need an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs with facts to support my thesis, and a summary paragraph, along with a works cited page.
I did start on my thesis statement though
Start by researching Hindusim and caste system.
Take notes.
Make an outline.
Write the 3-paragraph body of the paper.
Take notes.
Make an outline.
Write the 3-paragraph body of the paper.
thank you Ms. Sue :)
You're welcome.
Hey, I have to do the same thing in my class right now. wondering if you have any advice.