What age are the children?
What do YOU want to teach them about diversity?
If you answer those questions, I'll be glad to help you devise a lesson plan.
I have to do a lesson plan on diversity for my class and im not sure what kind of lesson plan to do and i cant find any websites that help me
can some please give me suggestions on diversity
5 answers
preschool...I would like to do one about how the children are different yet they are alike in ways.
Here's a good template for a lesson plan for any age or subject.
Some activities you might consider:
If you have a diverse population, see if one or more parents would come in to teach a game or song. If you can't find parent volunteers, you can teach some songs and games from other cultures.
Maybe parents could bring in a snack from their culture for the children to share.
Read stories about various cultures to the children.
Teach the children a few words in another language.
Celebrate holidays with appropriate festivities. Example: a pinata at Christmas time
Of course, you'll need art projects representing various cultures.
Some activities you might consider:
If you have a diverse population, see if one or more parents would come in to teach a game or song. If you can't find parent volunteers, you can teach some songs and games from other cultures.
Maybe parents could bring in a snack from their culture for the children to share.
Read stories about various cultures to the children.
Teach the children a few words in another language.
Celebrate holidays with appropriate festivities. Example: a pinata at Christmas time
Of course, you'll need art projects representing various cultures.
Thank you that helps so much!!!
You're very welcome. :-)