If you are plotting V in volts vs A in amps, the points will pretty much fall along a line V = 100 A (or V = 0.10 A if A is in mA). They data points will be scattered close to the line and it might tbe possible for Excel to draw a best-fit least-squares line through the points. The best-fit V/I slope may not be quite equal to 100.
I do not have Excel available and there is not way to post graphics here.
I have to do a chart with the following information but I cant get the chart to come out right does anyone know how. Im using a scattered xy chart.
Trail x units y units k=y/x
1. .041 A 4.0 V
2. .083 A 8.2 V
3. .127 A 12.3 V
4. .162 A 16.0 V
5. .200 A 21.0 V
2 answers
There is a JAVA tool at http://www.physics.csbsju.edu/stats/QF_NROW_form.html
that will let you calculate the least-sqaures fit to your data points. Using it, I got V = 105 A plus a small constant term
that will let you calculate the least-sqaures fit to your data points. Using it, I got V = 105 A plus a small constant term