What is the subject of this novel? What does the author want the reader to think about this subject? These sites may help you understand theme.
I have to come up with a theme for the book "Fly On the Wall" by E. Lockhart. I can't think of one though! If anyone has read the book and knows the theme of the book, let me know please!
4 answers
The subject of this novel is how a girl goes to a school where she is an outcast. One day, she wishes that she was a fly on the wall of the boys locker room. Then, you guessed it, her wish comes true. Throughout her time in the locker room, she learns a lot about the guys in her school. I'm pretty sure the theme would be "Be careful what you wish for, because it might come true," but I'm not sure. Please someone help!
What does the girl learn about herself when she's the fly on the wall? Does she gain more self-confidence? The fly on the wall is just the author's device for helping the protagonist learn about others and herself.
Sometimes it helps to find the theme to ask yourself what the "hidden message" is that the author wants you to get by the end of the story.