Your first answer is correct.
The second answer is 0.105.
Your third answer is way off. Think about it. How can 360 seconds be 21,600 minutes?
60 seconds = 1 minute
120 seconds = 2 minutes
I have three math problems that I have tried to solve but I do not think they are correct. Can someone please help me!
1. What is the product of 225 and 507?
I came up with 225 x 507 = 114075
2. Divide by moving the decimal point.
10.5 ÷ 100
I came up with 0.105 to be the answer or 9.52
3. Complete the following statement.
360 seconds = _______Minutes
I came up with 60 x 360 = 21600 minutes
Are the answers I came up with correct? Pleae help me, I need this by 12 PM tonight.
Thank You Godschild
3 answers
Thank you Ms. Sue your response really did help me. Have a good night.
You're very welcome.