I have this project for english about the PTA Reflections. Ok you see we have to write a 5 paragraph essay in which I discuss what you believe diversity means. Be sure yo have a topic sentence for each new paragraph, and provide supporting details. Please be creative and come up with a catchy title that you put into quotation marks. Sorry about that I was explaing it to you what do I have to do (copyed for assignment sheet my teacher gave me). This assignment is due on monday (so I have today tomorrow since there is no school and the weekend.
Here is my notes when I gathered information.
. Culture
. what good or bad about it
- people don't understand (ppl languages)
- Diversity - the condition of being diffent (got it from teacher)
- school and community
- languages
- spanish and french classes (@ skool)
- music
- dances/clothes
My teacher said that our essay is beign graded as a project and that if you want to you can hand it in to the Reflection program.
Is there anything alse I can add ti my notes so that way I can use that to write my essay I know I need more detials but if you teacher want to your decicion can give me info. on each topic I wrote there about diversity to help me or my essay that YOUR CHOSE.
Thank You!!!!
9 answers
btw ESL stand for english second laugange for students who don't speak english
Remember, your assignment is to write about what diversity means to YOU.
Have you had any friends with different backgrounds? Have you ever been interested in the customs and languages of other people?
When my children were growing up, we lived in a community that was almost entirely white Protestant. Yet my daughter Sandy's best friends in elementary school were and African-American girl and a Jewish girl. She learned about discrimination from her black friend. She celebrated her Jewish friend's Bat Mitzvah with her.
Have you had similar experiences?
Have you had any friends with different backgrounds? Have you ever been interested in the customs and languages of other people?
When my children were growing up, we lived in a community that was almost entirely white Protestant. Yet my daughter Sandy's best friends in elementary school were and African-American girl and a Jewish girl. She learned about discrimination from her black friend. She celebrated her Jewish friend's Bat Mitzvah with her.
Have you had similar experiences?
Thx Sra !!! :) I'll get started right now :) Thx (when saying good luck)
Ms. Sue I have a lot of haitians friends, some jacimain friends, some spnaish friends, and 1 indian friends
I'll ask soem of them about their backgrounds something like that.
When I done with my essay I post it so you guys can proofread.
Thank You !!!!
Ms. Sue I have a lot of haitians friends, some jacimain friends, some spnaish friends, and 1 indian friends
I'll ask soem of them about their backgrounds something like that.
When I done with my essay I post it so you guys can proofread.
Thank You !!!!
You're welcome.
what does EDL stand for ???
plus can you read my other post (Curoius Question)
Thank You!!! :)
Thank You!!! :)
Is there any websites that help you how to write a cathcy titles that have something to do with diversity I have to come up with a catchy title for my essay. What does EDL stand for ????
I don't know the answer to your Curious Question post.
Laruen -- you're creative. I'm sure you'll come up with a catchy title by the time you've finished your essay.
EDL is a protest group in England.
Laruen -- you're creative. I'm sure you'll come up with a catchy title by the time you've finished your essay.
EDL is a protest group in England.
yeah your right
Thank You for the info. but I just use ESL besides EDL
Thank You for the info. but I just use ESL besides EDL